Class Canceled Today –

Its a rainy day, so spend it relaxing! After that watch a video or two –

This first video is about one battle in Vietnam, the Battle of Ong Thanh, Its about 14 minutes long. I think it will help you understand what our troops were up against, as well as hearing from an enemy commander so you can understand what they were experiencing and why they used the strategies they did.

This next video is about 6 minutes long and covers the Watergate Scandal. As a child, Watergate meant to me that my afternoon cartoons were off the air and politicians were everywhere on the tv. I was not amused. As an adult, I’ve learned to appreciate the historic significance of Watergate. It was stupid and senseless, but it is important in American history

This last video is about 28 minutes long and its Julia Child in her ground breaking show showing how to cook Boeuf Bourguignon. Why am I showing you this? Because this show has historic importance. This was a show on PBS – a channel created to help bring educational materials into every American home that had a tv. To use an entertainment forum – television for education was a great innovation and had an impact on our broader culture. In the case of Julia Child, she brought French Cooking techniques and recipes to American housewives and in turn inspired a whole generation of cooks. It did not make everyone cook better but it did make many people realize there was more to food than just bacon and eggs or steak and potatoes. Her impact is still felt today. The other thing is – this is live television. No retakes if she makes a mistake. So if you are not interested in cooking, watch at least the first 5 minutes to get a feel for how this worked, and if you are interested in cooking, watch it all and learn how to cook a delicious French classic. If you follow her directions exactly you cannot go wrong!

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